You are able to claim expenditure incurred in replacing, insuring and repairing tools of trade that you use for earning your income. If the cost of any item is more than $300, it will have to be depreciated (i.e. claimed over its effective life). The amount you can claim will depend on what receipts you have kept and to what extent you use it for income producing purposes. If you are in the situation where you are wondering what you can claim without receipts, you can claim less than $300 without proof of purchase.
You have 28 days to correct this information. However, on the off chance that you have excluded the
taxable income, you won't have to contact the ATO. They will change your return and send you new
assessment requesting payment of the extra tax, a general interest charge and, in some cases,
punishments. On the off chance that you require help with your correspondence with the ATO,
Indus Accounting can help.