If you married during the year you may be eligible to claim a reduction in Medicare based on your income.
You will need to know the income of your spouse before and after marriage. If your spouse has earned
income during the year, they will also have to lodge their own tax return. On both of your returns you
will be required to disclose information about the other partner so that any entitlements you may have
to certain family tax benefits can be calculated correctly.
From 1 July 2014 the dependent spouse tax offset rebate has been abolished for all taxpayers. Some
taxpayers may be eligible for the Invalid and Invalid Carer Tax Offset. If your spouse is genuinely
unable to work because they are an invalid or they care for an invalid you might qualify for the
Invalid or Invalid Carer Tax Offset. The invalid must be receiving a Government disability payment to
Please contact Indus Accounting on 0423 264 003 / 0412 634 517 to speak with a tax expert to find out
whether you are affected or not.